Knutsford Tatton Probus is a club for retired and semi-retired professional and business men, and those who have had a measure of responsibility in any field of endeavour. Probus clubs meet regularly for fellowship, and to extend their members’ interests.
The Probus movement has spread internationally, and the scope of activities has widened. Each Probus group is autonomous and sets its own rules.
Our club, formed in 2001, meets on the first and third Tuesday mornings, every month at Crosstown Bowling and Social Club (for directions click here). After a short session devoted to club business, a well-qualified visiting speaker delivers an illustrated talk. Over the years we have had many excellent speakers, normally followed by a lively Q&A. Lists of forthcoming (and recent previous) speakers and topics can be found here. After the talk, members can socialise at the bar. The meetings usually finish around mid-day.
Currently, there are also five social groups: Bowling (Crown Green in summer, and Short Mat indoors in winter); Bridge; Golf; IT; Walking. More details, and reports of previous activities can be found here. Beginners are welcomed by all groups!
Additionally, there is an active programme of social events, such as: visits to theatres and other places of interest; wine-tasting evenings; lunches. Partners and guests are welcome to all of these events.
Visitors are welcome to attend events and meetings. If you are interested in finding out more about our club, please contact us. Contact details can be found here.